Friday, July 24, 2009

The $50/wk Food Experiment

So a little background on this experiment I'm trying out. I follow @Time on Twitter and ended up on The Cheapskate Blog. A lot of the blogs really interested me but the one blog that really caught my eye was about these 3 bloggers who lived in different parts of the US and were trying to live off $50/wk per person.

So I thought, I should try this. The past few weeks I've had a major reality check. I spend waaaay too much money on food, especially eating out. It's to the point that this along with irresponsible spending (I shop too much), have gotten me in a not so pleasant financial state.

There are many reasons why I decided to try this out.
1. I spend too much eating out and I end up throwing away leftovers.
2. I buy groceries and end up throwing a lot out because they go bad.
3. I want to be more aware of the things I eat.
4. I love to cook! This will really bring me back to cooking and trying out new recipes.
5. The money I spend on one or two meals, I can buy groceries for a week's worht of meals.

I know this will be difficult because I work all day and by the time I get home I don't feel like cooking. I'm tired and I just want to eat. I have to really plan my meals and schedule times to cook it. I need to make food for lunch the next day too so I don't eat out for lunch. There will be days that I meet people for lunches or dinners, I'll have to try to make it up during the week. I'll adjust and try to stick to this experiment as much as I can.

Wish me luck! Hopefully I get through a week doing this. =)


  1. Hi Marian! I've actually read this blog before and did this for a bit. It's great stuff, you save a LOT of money in the long run doing this. The key to it is making your meals and planning them the day before. So much easier when you know what you're going to eat and when. You'll get used to it in no time and pretty soon you won't even be tempted to go out to eat as much. Good luck with this Marian!! feel free to hit me up if you need any tips or anything =)

  2. thanks Bam Bam! Yeah the planning before hand is the most important thing
