Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Turkey Spam Musubi

SPAM SPAM SPAM! The many things you can make with Spam. It's amazing! I love it! Spam musubis are a Hawaiian dish that's a great snack or meal if you eat enough of them. It's your rice and meat all rolled into a seaweed wrapper. A quick, hand held treat. All you need is spam, white rice, dry seaweed and honey teriyaki glaze

I use Turkey Spam because it has less sodium (less salty) and doesn't contain any pork products. I try not to cook dishes with pork. I actually don't really cook pork dishes at all. I always substitute it for another type of meat.

Turkey Spam Musubi
1. Cook white rice and set aside
2. Cut spam in thin, flat strips and cook in a frying pan
3. Take a sheet of seaweed and place a long rectangle of rice in the middle then flatten. Don't add too much because you will add more rice later.
4. Coat both sides of your spam slices in honey teriyaki
5. Stack spam slices on top of the rice.
6. Add another layer of rice on top of the spam.
7. Roll seaweed then cut in half.
8. EAT! =)

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